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TOPCA Meetings (current and archive)

TOPCA's 2024 Annual General Meeting

November 2024 - TOPCA AGM: The 2024 TOPCA Annual General Meeting takes place on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 @ 7:00 pm (doors open @ 6:30 pm) at Clarke Memorial Hall, 161 Lakeshore Road West, Port Credit.  ALL WELCOME!

BUSINESS: Documents for the brief business portion of the AGM (reports, slate of officers) will be issued to registered members for review prior to meeting start, for expedited approval during the business meeting.  Minutes will be issued.

PROGRAM @ 7:30pm: After the Business meeting, we present our Program, focusing on the future of One Port Street and the Marina Lands.

Councillor Stephen Dasko will provide an update on all that’s happening with development sites in Ward 1, culminating in the One Port Street / Marina Lands site.

MP Charles Sousa (Mississauga Lakeshore) and James Cox, VP Real Estate Development, Canada Lands Company (CLC) will join the Panel to discuss the implications of recent Federal policy regarding the public lands at One Port Street.

BACKGROUND: In May 2017, James Cox, then Director of Real Estate for Canada Lands Company (CLC), announced at a packed TOPCA-led Town Hall meeting that 2+ acres of waterfront land plus the entire 50+ acre waterlot would be conveyed to the City of Mississauga "which would assist in ensuring the long-term protection and reinvestment in the marina".  CLC gave a time line sufficient for the City to conduct an Environmental Assessment (EA) and start marina construction by 2027, the deadline specified by CLC.  Otherwise, the gift may be retracted.

NOTE: The City submitted the 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina FINAL environmental assessment to the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks for review and approval on October 18, 2024.

Following August’s announcement by the Federal government that it will be identifying surplus properties to expedite much-needed housing, coupled with the fact that the City has a deadline to pull the trigger on relocating the Marina site, residents will want to understand the impact the recent listing of One Port Street in the Canada Public Land Bank will have on a location that shapes the heart of Port Credit and animates the City's waterfront--both economically and from a heritage/tourism standpoint.

MEMBERSHIP: You do not need to be a TOPCA member to attend, although we welcome new memberships any time!  A great time to RENEW FOR 2025 (at the door).

MORE: See TOPCA's Marina Lands webpage for background details, images, and presentations dating back to 2012.

TOPCA's 2023 Annual General Meeting

November 2023 - TOPCA AGM: The 2023 TOPCA Annual General Meeting takes place on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 @ 7:00 pm (doors open @ 6:30 pm) at Clarke Memorial Hall, 161 Lakeshore Road West, Port Credit.

BUSINESS: Documents for the brief business portion of the AGM (reports, slate of officers) will be issued to registered members for review prior to meeting start, for expedited approval during the business meeting.  Minutes will be issued.

After the brief business meeting, we present our theme program: 'De-Constructing Growth'.  ALL WELCOME!

PROGRAM: Councillor Stephen Dasko will provide an update on all that’s happening with development sites including the Dixie Outlet Mall, Skinner & Middlebrook Funeral Home, the 'No Frills' site and more.  And he’s ready to answer questions related to everything from MZOs to the pedestrian cycling bridge that will soon be spanning the Credit River between the Port Credit Legion and the GO Station.

Local developer Frank Giannone, President of FRAM Building Group, will discuss how the uptick in interest rates is impacting who’s buying these days (first-timers? downsizers? speculators?), what they’re looking for and how it’s impacting what gets built.

MEMBERSHIP: You do not need to be a TOPCA member to attend, although we welcome new memberships any time!  A great time to RENEW FOR 2024 (at the door).

June 2023 - RAISING THE ALARM - PART 2: Thursday, June 22, 2023 @ 7:00pm (doors open 6:30pm) at Clarke Hall (parking available beside Gears bike store).

ALL ARE WELCOME!  Refreshments will be served.  Those with TOPCA Membership renewals can conveniently renew at the door.  New members are always welcome to join!

It’s that promised follow-up to our November 2022 AGM and Town Hall meeting 'Raising the Alarm', where we focused on public safety given the growing number of issues Port Credit experienced throughout last summer.  We asked about reinstating the satellite police station and worried about how firefighters (we have the smallest and oldest fire station in Mississauga!) could cope with the heights and intensification planned for the area.  That was Part 1 of the discussion.

On Thursday, June 22nd, we bring Part 2 with our Peel Paramedic Services and how they hope to dovetail with the expansion of Mississauga General Hospital.  Hear from Brian Gibson Acting Chief, Peel Paramedic Services and top brass from Trillium Health Partners as they present the visuals, timelines, and planned services this new expansion will bring.  What’s happening with Camilla Long Term Care?  Will the hospital be open during construction?  When will it start and when will it all be finished?

THP-TOPCA-PCBIA Virtual Town Hall: Trillium HealthWorks

January 2023 - Join Trillium Healthworks for a Virtual Town Hall on the Future of Health Care (event page) in Port Credit and Mississauga on Wed. January 18, 2023 @ 7:00 - 8:00 pm.

THP STATEMENT: "Over the next 20 years, no hospital in Ontario will need more services than Trillium Health Partners.  To learn more about the hospital’s plans to meet the health care needs of this growing and changing community, please join us for a conversation about Trillium HealthWorks – the largest health care redevelopment plan in Canadian history.  We need your help to shape the future of health care in this community."

TOPCA 2022 Annual General Meeting

November 2022 - The 2022 TOPCA Annual General Meeting takes place on Thursday, November 10, 2022 @ 7:00 - 9:30 pm (doors open @ 6:30 pm) at Clarke Memorial Hall, 161 Lakeshore Road West, Port Credit.

BUSINESS: Documents for the brief business portion of the AGM (reports, slate of officers) will be issued to registered members for review prior to meeting start, for expedited approval during the business meeting.  Minutes will be issued.

MEMBERSHIP: You do not need to be a TOPCA member to attend, although we welcome new memberships any time!  A great time to RENEW FOR 2023 (at the door).

MINUTES: Draft Minutes (2p PDF) of the 2022 TOPCA AGM have been produced, for approval at the 2023 TOPCA  Annual General Meeting (date TBA).

🚨 RAISING THE ALARM 🚨 is the theme of the Town Hall portion of the AGM, highlighting the need to ensure emergency services are adequate for the coming population growth in Port Credit, Lakeview and Mississauga South.  Thousands more units are pending or under construction now, at Brightwater, Lakeview Village, Port Credit GO Station, the Lakeshore Road Corridor and the Port Credit marina lands.  What plans are in place to keep us all safe?

PANEL: We'll hear from representatives of the Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services (MFES) and the Peel Regional Police about the plans to serve our growing communities, with perspectives from our Ward 1 Councillor Stephen Dasko and Mayor Bonnie Crombie as they embark on the next term of Council.

TOPCA 2021 Annual General Meeting

November 2021 - The 2021 TOPCA Annual General Meeting took place virtually, on November 23, 2021 @ 7:00pm.

Click image to view full-size Poster.

The AGM was recorded and is posted on Dropbox here (1:53:49).

BUSINESS: Documents for the business portion of the AGM (reports, slate of officers) were sent to registered members in advance for review, and were approved at the meeting.  Minutes will be issued.

SPEAKERS: We heard from Hugh Lynch (Manager of Development for the City of Mississauga) and Ward One Councillor Stephen Dasko to learn more about what strategies the city can use to grow the increasingly popular Port Credit area in a way that works for all.

FOCUS: "Downtown" Port Credit, the further-intensifying area around the GO Station.  With four Edenshaw developments either under construction or in the pipeline, FRAM’s bowling green site, another 10-storey condo being pitched to replace the Skinner & Middlebrook funeral home, not to mention an LRT landing smack dab in the middle of everything, we need to understand how the City sees all these pieces falling into place, including rental buildings vs. condos, and the role of active transportation (walking, cycling and micromobility).  Also of concern is the future of the Port Credit Library and what happens to that land if the building has to go.

MEMBERSHIP: You do not need to be a member to attend, although we welcome new memberships any time!  A great time to... RENEW FOR '22!

TOPCA Mid-year Town Hall, June 2021

June 2021 - MID-YEAR TOWN HALL MEETING: Tues. June 1, 2021 @ 7:00 pm. Virtual meeting on Zoom!

MISS THE MEETING?  The virtual TOPCA Town Hall was recorded, and the one-hour video (1:00:00) may be viewed by clicking here.  The Agenda included public Q&A after the featured presentations:

1. Brightwater Illustrated Slide Presentation: when we will see something? what retail is planned? what is the rationale for the reduced parking application at Committee of Adjustment? (June 24 @ 1:00 pm)

2. Councillor Stephen Dasko: updates on languishing sites along the Lakeshore Corridor, e.g. No Frills, Planet Organic, and Marina Park (boat launch area), and the latest on the GO Station SE parking lot that is now up for sale (see article below). Hear about Lakeview mainstreet development proposals that are going to LPAT, because City Planners said NO!

TOPCA 2020 Annual General Meeting

November 2020 - The TOPCA Annual General Meeting took place virtually on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 @ 7:00 - 8:15 pm.

SPEAKERS: Councillor Stephen Dasko - "Updates on Key Issues in Ward 1 / Q&A" | Jake Pedler, Chair of Port Credit BIA - "What YOU can do to support our Main Street Corridor" | Lisa Prime, Prime Strategy & Planning - "How developers can build sustainable communities."

Documents for the business portion of the meeting (reports, slate of officers) have been sent to registered members in advance for review.  The AGM will be recorded and posted here.  Next year, we hope to be back at Clarke Hall!

View: TOPCA's 2020 AGM Presentation (21-slide PDF) including Port Credit BIA keynote.

View: Brief (49s) PCBIA video BUSINESSES ARE PEOPLE shown at the TOPCA  AGM.


Monday, November 4, 2019 @ 7-9:00 pm (doors open @ 6:30 pm) at Clarke Memorial Hall, 161 Lakeshore Road West, Port Credit.  Meeting Details.

See Flyer for Program (in sidebar).

Image (L) shows special Hall set-up.

NOTE: There will be a large (16' x 9') screen on the stage so that all may see the images in the presentations.  A wireless sound system will improve the auditory experience as well, thanks to generous sponsorship by Brightwater.



TOPCA Town Hall -- Mainstreet Retail: What's in Store?

MAINSTREET RETAIL - TOWN HALL MEETING:  Wednesday, June 12, 2019 @ 7-9:00 pm (doors open @ 6:30 pm) at Clarke Memorial Hall, 161 Lakeshore Road West, Port Credit.

► View Final Poster (at left).

THEME:  "Port Credit Mainstreet Retail - What's In Store?"  Answer:  A Lot!

We are so pleased to announce that we have a new meeting Sponsor!  Back Road Coffee Roasters in Port Credit will be generously enabling us to thank all our invited Speakers in a beautiful way!  Be sure to check them out online and at their location: 133 Queen Street East (map).

The opening presentation is from the new General Manager of the Port Credit BIA (Anita Kovacevic – welcome!) about PCBIA’s new business plan and branding campaign.

We’ll have City presentations about the just-released Parking Master Plan (May 2019) and the Lakeshore Corridor Transportation Plan approved by Council on Wed. June 5, 2019.  As we know, Parking is the ugly step-sister of Traffic, and always tags along.  Pressures on both “sisters” will only increase with the 1000’s and 1000’s of new residents who will be moving to the Lakeshore Corridor – now estimated to be over 50,000 people between the new developments in Port Credit and Lakeview.

Mississauga News article (June 7, 2019): Mississauga approves long-term transit plan for Lakeshore Road: Lakeshore Road corridor to grow by 56,000 people and 16,500 jobs by 2041. This is a very timely article!

There are some bold ideas in the Plans to make Mainstreet shopping more comfortable and accessible and therefore more profitable for the shops (wider sidewalks, bike lanes, less street parking, alternatives to cars including better transit).  But the transition is delicate, and order of operation is key, with fears of increased side-street parking, drops in business and even more traffic congestion (already at a standstill).  Can the change be orderly, when some initiatives to provide alternatives to cars may be years away?  Let’s see what everybody thinks!

Senior executives from Dream (on behalf of West Village Partners) will speak about their curated retail tenants and new branding on the West Village PC site (concept image), and when we can expect to shop there.  NOTE: West Village is the first *new* and significant retail area which can reflect what is proposed in the Port Credit Local Area Plan for a liveable and sustainable mainstreet.  See TOPCA's West Village PC site webpage.

Consultant Dana Anderson from MHBC will round out the meeting by addressing retail trends and planning for the mainstreet retail format we want to preserve against the increasing pressures of mall, big box and online shopping.  Let’s do this!

Give your thoughts during Public Q&A plus Dream representatives will also facilitate a Retail Survey of attendees, to identify the types of retailers and specific brands the community would like to see both on our existing mainstreet (with collaboration from the Port Credit BIA) and in the proposed West Village retail frontage, comprising .9km along Lakeshore Road West.  For sure, a hardware store and an affordable grocery store will mentioned? Results will be shared publicly.

Closing Remarks by Ward 1 Councillor Stephen Dasko will bring us all back to where we actually go from here and how and when.  We can help our Councillor best represent us as a community by providing our candid thoughts at the Town Hall.

Mark  Dana  MAPS


L-R: Mark Vandersluis, David Scorniaenchi, Jamie Brown, Dana Anderson, Justin Robitaille, Anita Kovacevic, Cllr. Stephen Dasko.

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSOR for the MAINSTREET RETAIL TOWN HALL MEETING!  Back Road Coffee Roasters in Port Credit enabled us to thank all our invited Speakers (image above) in a refreshing way!  Be sure to check out BRCR online and at their location: 133 Queen Street East (map).

L-R: All 8 Speaker gifts bags included a bag of coffee, a T-shirt, a coupon for a free coffee and some other cool items all packaged in a burlap bag that looks like a coffee sack!  When anyone goes to BRCR for a coffee please mention you heard about them through TOPCA and thank them for their generosity!


Monday, November 12, 2018 @ 7:00 pm at Clarke Hall, 161 Lakeshore Road West, Port Credit.  Annual TOPCA Business Meeting after the Town Hall Meeting, @ 9:10 - 9:30 pm.

INTRODUCING... Our new Mississauga-Lakeshore MPP Rudy Cuzzetto, as well as Ward 1 Councillor-elect Stephen Dasko and Trustee-elect John Marchant all addressed our Town Hall for the first time in their new roles.  Mississauga-Lakeshore MP Sven Spengemann also made remarks.

Our political representatives: image at left.

CONTEXT:  The program began with a rapid, visual 'PC Development Round-up' presentation to frame the Town Hall discussion (to be posted here).  With over 100 acres under development and over 10,000 new residents moving in within 5-10 years, Port Credit (the City's smallest residential planning district) requires radically improved mobility along the Lakeshore Road Corridor and a high level of citizen engagement to provide input on the extraordinary volume of planning and development applications.  A great way to re-engage with the amazing amount of development activity in Port Credit and send the message that this community intends to stay on it moving forward!

► The 'Drone Fly-over' video (Sept. 23, 2018) of clean-up operations at the 72-acre PC brownfield site, was shown courtesy of West Village Partners, and concluded the 'Context' portion of the Town Hall program.  Click image (below) to view the video (3:48):

PLANNING APPEALS:  TOPCA has long been engaged in the review of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), now replaced by the the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) that hears cases in relation to a range of municipal planning, financial and land matters.  As advocated by TOPCA, there is a new citizen-oriented Local Planning Appeal Support Centre (LPASC) which helps citizens understand and navigate the land use planning and appeal process in Ontario, including hearings at LPAT.  LPASC Executive Director Mary Lee  presented how this agency (under the Attorney General's Office) can help the public.

Click title-slide image (below) to view the LPASC Presentation (19-slide PDF):

METROLINX:  How does Metrolinx GO from Here?  Metrolinx gave the community an update themselves for the first time, about the status of the planned Port Credit GO Station redevelopment and the Hurontario LRT project which will terminate underground at Port Credit Station, designated a Metrolinx Mobility Hub.

Click title-slide image (below) to view the METROLINX Presentation (21-slide PDF):

NOTE: Followed by the annual TOPCA Business Meeting (AGM) @ 9:10 - 9:30 pm for members who could stay for the reports and executive slate. Those who wish can still join TOPCA or renew their membership ($5).  See: Membership webpage.

See: POSTER (image above) for Agenda.

TOWN HALL MEETING - *THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS*:  Monday, March 26, 2018 @ 7:00 - 9:00 pm (doors open @ 6:30 pm) at Clarke Hall in Port Credit.  TOPCA is co-hosting with Cranberry Cove Ratepayers Assn.  ALL WELCOME!

The major developments include the 21-29 (25) Park Street East site and the West Village Port Credit site.  ► See the Poster.

► NOTE: The City has issued a Notice to Residents (2p PDF; with AGENDA) about this meeting since the planned Community Meeting re 21-29 (25) Park Street East had to be cancelled due to the sudden passing of Cllr. Jim Tovey.

LAKESHORE CORRIDOR - GET MOVING! The TOPCA Town Hall Meeting & AGM took place on: Thursday, November 9, 2017 @ 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Clarke Hall in Port Credit.

At left is the detailed AGENDA, highlighting a Panel of expert speakers prior to the public Q&A portion of the Town Hall.

The Speaker Presentations are now posted below!

Visual Town Hall Framework: Challenge and AGENDA, Port Credit Planning Context, NEXT MEETINGS in November 2017 (14-slide PDF)

Susan Tanabe, Manager, Transportation Planning, City of Mississauga: Lakeshore Connecting Communities: Lakeshore Road Transportation Master Plan and Implementation Strategy (12-slide PDF)

Ellen Timms, General Manager, PCBIA: Port Credit Culture Node Review: Mobility Elements (19-slide PDF)

Carol-Ann Chafe, Accessibility Consultant and Advocate: Lakeshore Road Walking Audit: Is Port Credit Walkable and Accessibile? (22-slide PDF)

Yvonne Verlinden, Project Co-Lead, Toronto Centre for Active Transportation: TCAT Economic Impact Study: Bloor Street Bike Lanes Pilot (14-slide PDF)

NOTE:  The Bike Lanes on Bloor pilot project in Toronto has received a lot of attention, and came to a vote (and passed!) at Toronto Council on November 7, 2017, thus making the bike lanes permanent.  Hear from the TCAT Project Co-Lead who did the influential economic impact study (Report).  Then consider: Would bike lanes work on Port Credit's mainstreet (Lakeshore Road)?

Joe Perrotta, Director, Hurontario LRT Project Office, City of Mississauga: Hurontario LRT Project Update (6-slide PDF)

METROLINX: Port Credit GO Station Redevelopment Updates (4-slide PDF)

Christina Giannone (Project Director, Port Credit West Village Partners); Stuart Anderson (Senior Associate, BA Group): West Village: Mobility & Integration (23-slide PDF); Remarks by Christina Giannone (3p PDF)

CASE STUDY:  The West Village Port Credit mixed-use development proposed for the 72-acre brownfield in the midst of our waterfront village will be transformative. Successful integration with the surrounding community will require bold innovations – both on and off-site – in support of mobility.  What is proposed to enable 5000 new residents, along with 1000’s of daytime employees, shoppers, and park visitors to move along an already gridlocked Lakeshore Corridor?

ON OUR WATCH: TOPCA held a Waterfront Town Hall Meeting on May 23, 2017 at Clarke Hall @ 7:00 - 9:00 pm re: The Port Credit Marina Lands and the West Village Port Credit Draft Plan for the former Imperial Oil brownfield lands.



Tuesday, September 20, 2016 @ 7:00-9:00 pm
at Clarke Hall. Doors open @ 6:30 pm.

There will be a citizens' Town Hall Meeting regarding the City's Draft OPA for the Port Credit Marina Lands (One Port Street). Sponsored by TOPCA.

► Click for AGENDA and further details 



Monday, November 24, 2014
At CLARKE HALL, 161 Lakeshore Road West (map

6:00pm  Business Meeting for TOPCA members

7:00pm  Town Hall Meeting (open to the Public)
Theme: "On the Waterfront"



Click for AGM Program.

Click for AGM Speaker Bios

Click for AGM Flyer (left).

Click for AGM Poster (above).

Click to view FACEBOOK ALBUM of the event.


Monday, November 25, 2013

At CLARKE HALL, 161 Lakeshore Road West (map

6:00pm  Business Meeting for TOPCA members

7:00pm  Town Hall Meeting
Lakeshore Corridor Check-up: Port Credit Edition



A great opportunity to join TOPCA if you wish, or renew your Membership.

Click image for full-size POSTER.


SPECIAL TOPCA MEMBERS' MEETING:  Wed. January 16, 2013 @ 7:00 pm at PORT CREDIT ARENA.  If your TOPCA membership has lapsed, this is an ideal time to renew (or join).  If you plan to attend, please RSVP: TOPCA@topca.netMembers only please.

The TOPCA Executive has called this special meeting about the Post Office redevelopment proposal prior to two critical public hearings at: the Heritage Advisory Committee (Jan 22) and the Committee of Adjustment (Jan 31). 

Click for the TOPCA webpage about the Port Credit Post office site.

TOPCA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING:  November 26, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. at CLARKE HALL, 161 Lakeshore Road West. 

Come and discuss Port Credit issues. 

Click image for full-size FLYER.


May 7, 2012: The Lakeshore Corridor Public Meeting

LAKESHORE LAYERING MODEL:  As presented at the THREE VILLAGES Public Meeting: 'The Lakeshore Corridor as a Complete Street' on May 7, 2012 at the Port Credit Legion.
Click the POSTCARD CONCEPT for enlargement. 

Mississauga News article (May 8, 2012): OMB reform in months, not years: Sousa.  Excerpt: "Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) decisions that go against City of Mississauga plans and the vision of residents will soon be a thing of the past, Mississauga South MPP Charles Sousa told a packed house last night at the Port Credit Legion.  Speaking at the Three Villages Public Meeting, hosted by residents groups from Clarkson, Port Credit and Lakeview in the continuing fight to keep the Lakeshore Corridor free from what they view as inappropriate development, he said it's essential to rein in the OMB, and 'that will happen in months, not years.'"

'The Lakeshore Corridor as a Complete Street' took place on Monday, May 7 @ 7-9 p.m. at the PORT CREDIT LEGION HALL, 35 Front Street North (map). 

Click image for full-size FLYER.

Co-sponsored by:
Town of Port Credit Association (TOPCA)
Lakeview Ratepayers' Association (LRA)
Clarkson ratepayer groups. 

Residents and stakeholders of the Clarkson area, Port Credit and Lakeview attended and participated.

Click image for full-size POSTER.

We will discuss the Lakeshore Summit ideas (see below) and solicit resident feedback in regard to a new Joint Framework Document which several Mississauga South RAs will use to attract (and evaluate) appropriate development proposals along the entire Lakeshore Corridor, and to express the mutual expectations and support between the citizens, the businesses and the stakeholder groups in our linked communities.

A resource panel of experts is planned, to help address public questions at the OPEN MICROPHONE.

Click image for full-size FLYER / AGENDA.
     NOTE: Ward 2 Councillor Pat Mullin will
     now be attending and speaking as well.



March 3, 2012: The Lakeshore Corridor Summit Meeting

Click the images (below) for the full-size INVITATION and AGENDA for the Summit Meeting co-sponsored by TOPCA and Lakeview Ratepayers Association (LRA) on Saturday, March 3, 2012.   

Click image (left) to view the Inventory of Ideas provided in the ROUNDTABLE NOTES for each of the seven (7) categories of discussion as listed in the Agenda (below).  Also included: '100 Year Cards' (30p PDF).















Click images for photo enlargements.

The Summit brought together over 80 representatives from local residents' associations, BIAs, non-profit community stakeholder groups, government agencies, City staff and local politicians for a day of idea sharing, note taking and pondering the potential of what can easily be described as the most valuable strip of lakefront real estate in Ontario - the Lakeshore Corridor.  Opening remarks by TOPCA and LRA representatives, presented to a packed Credit Room in the PC Arena, confirmed the meeting objective was not only to build on the work of the Lakeview Legacy Project, the VIVA Port Credit White Paper, and the Clarkson Village Study, but to re-engage stakeholders during what is considered to be a crucial time for the area in terms of new and infill development.

While all three historic communities are presently in different phases of re-establishing strong village cores, they share many common concerns, and through an unprecedented citizen-led initiative are now proposing to collaborate together to enhance their common Main Street.

Mississauga South MPP Charles Sousa, Mayor Hazel McCallion, Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey and Ward 2 Councillor Pat Mullin addressed the audience in affirmation of the summit process and the concerns of the Lakeshore Corridor communities. 

Following a presentation by University of Toronto Professor John Danahy, who spoke to the need for more strategic intensification and the success of the 'road diet' concept in Europe and the United States, the participants broke into round table discussions chaired by local resource volunteers on the following topics of concern:

1. Intensification and Neighbourhoods
2. Multi-Modal Transportation
3. Waterfront and Environment
4. Retail and Economic Development
5. Culture and Tourism
6. Built Form and Heritage
7. Established Guidelines and Community Engagement

A number of themes emerged from the round table discussions including the need for more efficient transportation services, the importance of protecting established neighbourhoods, creating a walkable/bikeable environment, enhancing the green corridor, the rise of citizen engagement and the need for municipal planning autonomy.

November 30, 2011: Whither Mainstreet Retail?

This Panel discussion explored retail and related issues of concern to the historic communities along the Lakeshore Corridor.  The theme is timely given the various development proposals on the table for increased residential and commercial density and big box and chain stores along Lakeshore Road, coupled with escalating store rents in the older sections of Port Credit to match the sq ft rates for the infill builds.  And with both increased density and destinations, how can Lakeshore Road possibly bear the increased traffic load?

The pun in the topic heading is deliberate and reflects the 2-pronged question all these challenges raise: Where are we headed, and will what we have survive? 










Click images above for full-size POSTER and AGENDA / PROGRAM including biographies of the Panelists.

We are thrilled to have assembled a Panel to help educate citizens about these matters, so that we may better respond with stated positions in regard to ongoing development proposals, and understand the trends we are experiencing here in Port Credit.  L to R (click image to enlarge):

Alex Temporale 
Ellen Timms

Catherine Nasmith

John Danahy

Plus remarks by Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey and Mississauga South MPP Charles Sousa

Click images below for two of the Panelist presentations:








NOTE: The presentations were filmed and we hope to provide further notes and images to summarize the wide range of information provided.

Thanks to our sponsors for the refreshments served at the meeting:

Cookie Girls Fine Pastries

13 Stavebank Road North
(416) 890-4138
Click image for further details

Starbucks Port Credit

111 Lakeshore Road West
(905) 278-7562
Click image for further details

March 22, 2011: Ramping-up the Port Credit Vision

TOPCA sponsored a public meeting entitled RAMPING-UP THE PORT CREDIT VISION on March 22, 2011 at Clarke Hall.  It took the form of a Community Panel Discussion.  Participants included: Mayor Hazel McCallion, Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey and the Hon. Charles Sousa, MPP Mississauga South. 

Click for FLYER.
Click for AGENDA
Click for BIOS & PICS.

Rogers Cable 10 taped the program from the March 22, 2011 public meeting sponsored by TOPCA: "Ramping-Up the Port Credit Vision" which is available on order.

Thanks to the approx. 250 folks who attended the meeting -- and to our Guest Speakers (L to R): Bob Howald (CLC), Minister Glen Murray and Ed Charlton (Imperial Oil).  NOTE: The VISUAL PRESENTATIONS of the 3 guest speakers are posted under the Panel listing further below. ����

Mayor Hazel McCallion made some remarks.
Mississauga News article (March 18, 2011): Community discusses Port Credit vision.
Mississauga News article (March 23, 2011): Crown buys marina space.
How do we attract and accelerate the right development for our fragile village?
Introductory Remarks by Moderator Jim Danahy, TOPCA Co-President.

The extraordinary PANEL OF GUEST SPEAKERS included:
The Honourable Glen Murray, then Ontario Minister of  Research and Innovation and renowned urbanist (formerly Mayor of Winnipeg and CEO of the Canadian Urban Institute), shared ideas about how some of the world’s most successful urban communities protect and innovate at the same time.
► Tweet by @Glen4TC during the meeting: Huge turnout at (TOPCA) meeting with residents (250+) in Port Credit to discuss plans with Min Charles Sousa and other officials.
► VISUAL PRESENTATION: Innovation Economies, Attracting Knowledge-based Talent and Jobs, and the Role of Place Making (43p PDF).

Robert A. Howald, Senior Vice-President Real Estate, Canada Lands Company CLC Limited (now owner of the 19-acre federal Marina lands in Port Credit) spoke about how large brownfield redevelopments can be accomplished in delicate urban settings, using examples of inspiring redevelopments CLC has done elsewhere and an outline of the considerations that will be unique to the planning and redevelopment of the waterfront Marina lands.
See CLC's new webpage for the Marina lands at 1 Port Street East.
► VISUAL PRESENTATION:Inspiring and Innovative Development (18p PDF).

Ed Charlton, Senior Real Estate Manager for Devon Estates Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Imperial Oil, manages surplus properties for Imperial Oil in Ontario, including the 75-acre brownfield in Port Credit.  Ed explained how civil liability issues currently preclude the site's development, but if a comprehensive mixed-use plan can be made for the whole property with the community's support, it could be executed in coherent, integrated phases compatible with sound environmental, planning and economic conditions.  The Ontario Government must first establish an effective public policy regime for environmental liability and risk management. 
► VISUAL PRESENTATION: Brownfields: Land Owner Perspective (19p PDF).

A Vision for Port Credit: Pictorial Presentation and Discussion

  • TOPCA sponsored a community meeting on June 4, 2008 to present A Vision for Port Credit, which has emerged from all our collective ideas. The City received these compiled ideas in May 2008 as a White Paper entitled:

Port Credit: An Urban Village for the 21st Century;
A Model Community for the World

As submitted by VIVA Port Credit (TOPCA is a member group)
Click here to view the White Paper

Developing Our 100 Acres: Urban Design Panel on Port Credit

  • TOPCA sponsored a public meeting on Nov. 26, 2008: Developing Our 100 Acres: An Urban Design Panel on Port Credit, which featured a variety of urban design practitioners.  Click here for Biographies.  Then-Ward 1 Councillor Carmen Corbasson and Mayor Hazel McCallion attended.
  • This was a discussion of the urban design challenges as they pertain to the significant lands potentially available for development or re-development in Port Credit.  How will this affect our Village model?  The City will be studying future use of the former Texaco lands (a Brownfield), the Harbour lands, and properties on the Lakeshore Road Corridor.  Public realm, built form and transportation systems are all part of the urban design mix.  How can we achieve our collective community Vision: 'Evolving the Urban Village'?  Click here for Program.
  • Click here for Aerial View of potential development sites.  Note that public parks slated for redevelopment have been additionally outlined in green, further to questions asked at the meeting.
  • Click here for Questions asked of the Panel in both written form, and at the public microphone.  Feel free to e-mail additional questions to for the follow-up meeting in Spring 2009!
  • A preliminary inventory of 127 images was compiled for this event.  Click here for pictorial resourcesPLEASE NOTE: These images are for discussion purposes.  In terms of the Texaco Brownfield and Harbour Marina sites, the Google Earth overlays (e.g. Tiananmen Square, Square One, Sydney Opera House) on slides #57-62 and #68-74 are designed to show the size and scale of the properties, and are not literal suggestions of what should be put there!

BC21 Project: Our Future Mississauga

  • On October 24, 2007, TOPCA sponsored a “Community Conversation” at Clarke Hall for over 100 participants from Port Credit. This was part of the City of Mississauga's initiative: Building a City for the 21st Century, and was led by Andrew McNeill, Strategic Leader for the BC21 project. The City has embarked on a series of “conversations” with various communities to develop a shared vision for our City’s future over the next 33 years and hear what residents envision by the year 2040. The session included a presentation, and a facilitated discussion to gather our ideas and input.  Click here for the BC21 Project website.
  • On April 22, 2009 Council approved a new Strategic Plan setting the Vision for the City of Mississauga.  The Plan is based on the thousands of ideas collected throughout the Our Future Mississauga community engagement process and is designed to build our city for the 21st century.  Information about the Strategic Plan is available at
  • On May 26, 2009 at the Living Arts Centre the public was invited to hear keynote speaker Dr. David Suzuki and see a presentation of the City’s new Strategic Plan.  In mid-June there will be access to Mississauga's Strategic Plan website at its new home:
  • The City's Downtown21 Master Plan grew from the Visioning process of the BC21 project.  Go to for further details.  Mississauga News article (June 30, 2009): "‘Main Street’ to anchor City Centre".
  • PUBLIC MEETING: Presentation of the final Downtown21 Master Plan Tues. January 19, 2010 @ 7-9 p.m. at City Hall (Council Chamber)