Port Credit GO Station / Mobility Hub
Metrolinx sells SE Port Credit GO Station Parking Lot

UPDATE: July 2021 - ACQUISITION ANNOUNCED: Edenshaw Developments has partnered with Windsor Private Capital to acquire this 1.48 acre transit-oriented development site. Details.
April 2021 - SURPRISE SALE OFFERING: Metrolinx has placed the strategic southeast parking lot at the Port Credit GO Station up for sale. It is described as a high density transit-oriented development opportunity:
"Preliminary investigations indicate that the Site can accommodate a two tower development of between 22 and 25 storeys with a gross floor area up to approx. 650,100 sf (10.15 FSI). Additional density above the base case may be achievable by increasing the height of the podium or the towers, which would require an OPA & ZBA."
▶ Image: Sales Brochure shows aerial image of the 1.48 acre site. Click image to zoom.
The community has always understood that the south parking lot adjacent Hurontario Street would be retained until completion of the LRT Station in 2024, and that citizen engagement would subsequently be initiated regarding redevelopment of the Port Credit GO Station, including the parking lands and configuration. Note the sale does not include the narrow piece of land overtop the proposed LRT Station or the planned surface-level pedestrian plaza which would now appear to be very small in scope.
The concern of area residents and those groups that have been involved in the reimagining process for this site over the past six years is that the OP will not be included as part of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and that these years of discussions will be for naught. We’re requesting that the conditions outlined in the Corporate Report: Port Credit GO Station Southeast Area Master Plan Implementation – Proposed Changes To Mississauga Official Plan (47p PDF) as approved June 27, 2016 be respected by the purchaser/developer.
Understanding that this will be a site of significant intensification, there are a number of important aspects to its future growth that are cited in these reports, including:
- economic development that provides much-needed job opportunities for the area.
- sufficient, well-designed parking that can absorb the volume of cars that might otherwise be directed to the smaller north and west parking sites.
- visual/physical permeability on the site with an appropriate, welcoming built form befitting a lakeside community – versus a six-storey wall of above-grade parking.
▶ View Cushman & Wakefield Sales BROCHURE (3p PDF). ▶ View Sales VIDEO (1:49).
COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT: September 21, 2017. TOPCA submitted a Letter to the Committee of Adjustment [3p PDF] re: File 'A' 405/17 (Ward 1) on the CofA Agenda (pp26-27), concerning 91 Park Street East, being the former Port Credit Bowling Green site. Use of the parkette as a temporary GO Station commuter parking lot is requested by the City. ► HEARING LIVE-STREAMED: Via the Committee of Adjustment website (later archived).
ORAL DECISION: The Requested Variances were granted subject to conditions as outlined at the Hearing, including those read out from the TOPCA Letter. A final agreement is still being negotiated between the City and Metrolinx. It appears the site will be used for temporary parking, and possibly construction staging for the Hurontario LRT, for the next 5-7 years. Text of the Decision will be posted.
Monday, June 27, 2016 @ 6:30 pm at the Planning and Development
Committee (PDC) in City Hall (Council Chamber).
► Click for City webpage with
► Click for
Agenda + Planning
Corporate Report (Item 3.5, p164 - direct link)
► Click to
view the meeting streamed online
This is a Public Meeting about the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) required for the GO Station Mobility Hub redevelopment.
NOTE: The TOPCA Executive organized a Roundtable Meeting of local residents' associations on June 21, 2016 in order to receive updates from City Planning staff and Metrolinx reps in preparation for the PDC meeting on June 27, 2016, where TOPCA made a Deputation.
► View the TOPCA slide deck for the Deputation (June 27, 2016) [38p PDF]
February 1, 2016 @ 7:00 pm at the Planning and Development
Committee (PDC) in City Hall (Council Chamber).
► Click for
► Click for
Agenda + Planning
Corporate Report (Item 4.1, p3).
TOPCA's Response (sent by letter to PDC and Planning Staff): February 1, 2016
"The TOPCA Executive is formally submitting our DEPUTATION at the PDC Public Meeting on October 26, 2015. This document sets out the principles we will pursue throughout the future public process for the GO mobility hub redevelopment.
"Changes to the Mississauga Official Plan and Port Credit LAP as outlined in the Planning Staff corporate report are very technical but we trust that the City’s ability to ensure good planning in the GO Station precinct are not compromised.
"Paul Stuart, Port Credit Policy Planner, has stated he is
willing to meet with local residents’ groups in order to provide
clarification and answer questions, and this is a good approach
to prepare us for the Metrolinx mobility hub Master Plan
-- Town of Port Credit Association (TOPCA)
City Planning Staff have provided the following update (January 25, 2016) concerning the Metrolinx Master Plan:
"Last year you participated in the Advisory Panel for the Port Credit GO Station Southeast Area Master Plan. The City has prepared revised Official Plan policies and is holding a public meeting on February 1, 2016 at the Mississauga Civic Centre Council Chamber at 300 City Centre Drive (see attachment) The report is now available. Please click on the following link to access the February 1, 2016 Agenda which includes the corporate report: Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss."
Paul Stewart, MCIP, RPP
Planner, Policy Planning Division
City of Mississauga
300 City Centre
Mississauga ON L5B 3C1
phone: 905-615-3200 ext. 5813
E-mail: paul.stewart@mississauga.ca
PUBLIC MEETING - PORT CREDIT GO STATION LANDS: October 26, 2015 @ 7:00pm at City Hall (Council Chamber), with Metrolinx and the City's Planning and Development Committee (PDC). There are plans for a multi-level parking structure and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in the Port Credit GO Station area -- it's important to come and give your input on the significant redevelopment proposal!
► Click for the Master Plan WEBSITE, including Minutes of the pre-consultations with the Port Credit Local Advisory Panel. TOPCA reps participated, but this is not an endorsement. See TOPCA's concerns further below.
► Click for the TOPCA DEPUTATION presented at the PDC meeting.
► View the
► Click for access to the proposed
► View the
Planning Dept. Report to PDC about the Master Plan
- Display Boards (22p PDF)
- Presentation (33p PDF)
► Click image below for
full set of preliminary CONCEPT IMAGES
unknown engineering “solution” for interface with the
planned Hurontario LRT (e.g. future of the existing bridge and
green berm, and resultant streetscape), per image
2. traffic gridlock already in the immediate area, which a
study shows will get worse (as well as traffic on Lakeshore to
get there),
3. maintaining a neighbourhood context (and green space)
for the populous central core neighbourhood,
4. future of the former “bowling green” parcel now owned
by the City but seemingly up for development,
5. need for safe cycling and pedestrian access to the GO
Station to get people out of their cars (e.g. foot bridge over
the Credit River at CNR),
6. rationale for a large 6-storey parking structure (800
spaces) which would seem to only encourage more driving vs. the goal
of transit use; a "high wall" effect along Hurontario gateway to
Port Credit
7. making any agreed Master Plan “stick” (including
architectural and open space considerations) once developers are
brought in,
8. massing and density of buildings additional to the parking
structure; need to maintain neighbourhood context and permeability
PORT CREDIT GO STATION LANDS - OPEN HOUSE: June 16, 2015 @ 6:30-9:00pm at Clarke Hall, with Metrolinx and City of Mississauga. PRESENTATION @ 7:00pm followed by PUBLIC Q&A. There are plans for a multi-level parking structure and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in the Port Credit GO Station area -- it's important to come and give your input on the significant redevelopment proposed!
► Click for the Master Plan WEBSITE, including Minutes of the pre-consultations with the Port Credit Local Advisory Panel. TOPCA reps participated, but this is not an endorsement.
► Click image below for
REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PORT CREDIT GO STATION PARKING LOT: March 2, 2015 - A Press Release has been issued by Metrolinx. Click to view the RFQ document (36p PDF).
Excerpt: "Cushman & Wakefield Ltd. (the "Advisor") in collaboration with Infrastructure Ontario ("IO") has been retained as advisor to Metrolinx to provide strategic advice regarding the disposition and redevelopment of their 1.91 acre property located at Queen Street East and Hurontario Street (the "Property") in the heart of Mississauga's Port Credit community.
"Metrolinx has initiated a two-stage procurement process consisting of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) followed by a Request for Proposals (RFP), to select a development partner (The "Developer") to undertake a mixed use development project on the Property, and deliver new station infrastructure components, including new structured parking and station facilities to be owned and operated by Metrolinx."
Copyright © 2021 TOPCA - Town of Port Credit Association. All Rights Reserved.