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88 Park Street East - formerly '0' Park St E (SE parking lot at Port Credit GO Station)

March 2023 - PUBLIC MEETING: Virtual and in-person statutory meeting March 6, 2023 @ 6:00 pm at the City's Planning and Development Committee (PDC).  A decision will be made by PDC on the application, prior to the final Council vote on the matter.

IMAGE: Recommendation Report Notice (2p PDF - click first page image at left to zoom).

View PDC Agenda (Item 6.3).  The Recommendation Report (5p PDF) is posted as an attachment, and "concludes that the proposed...applications are not acceptable from a planning standpoint and should not be approved".

DEPUTATION: TOPCA Deputation (March 6, 2023) (2p PDF).  "We appreciate the Planning Department’s decision to not support the heights being proposed and hope that Council will agree to challenging this application at the OLT."

 VIDEO: The archived video of Item 6.3 at the PDC meeting is accessible at the Agenda link (above) starting at 1:25:08.

FOLLOW-UP: The application was NOT APPROVED.  An appeal was already filed at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) in November 2022.

ON FACEBOOK? You can write your comments under our Facebook posting.

July 2022 - PUBLIC MEETING: Virtual and in-person statutory meeting July 5, 2022 @ 6:00 pm at the City's Planning and Development Committee (PDC).

View the Information Report Notice (2p PDF - click first page image at left to zoom).

DEPUTATION: TOPCA Deputation (July 5, 2022) (1p PDF) made at PDC based on Survey responses and comments received from the Port Credit community: "The overwhelming response was that heights should be capped to within a 22- to 25-storey range as previously detailed in the Official Plan and due to higher order transit warranting the additional height.  But other concerns were also raised..."

 VIDEO: The archived video of Item 5.2 at the PDC meeting is accessible at the Agenda link (below) starting at 1:53:51.

View PDC Agenda (Item 5.2).  The Information Report (4p PDF) is posted as an attachment, and is only to be received for information.  Public comments received at this meeting will be included in the Recommendation Report (Date TBA) in support of PDC's future decision on the application.

NOTE: "Community Questions and Comments" made at the Community Meeting (May 24, 2022) are included in the Appendix: Detailed Information and Preliminary Planning Analysis on page 32 of the 38p PDF.

ON FACEBOOK? You can write your comments under our Facebook posting.

May 2022 - APPLICATION IN PROCESS: Edenshaw Developments has submitted plans to redevelop the SE parking lot site at Port Credit GO Station (map), designated as '88' Park Street East (formerly known as '0' Park Street East).

PROPOSAL: Two (2) condominium apartment buildings of 40 and 42 storeys, containing 1,139 units and ground and second floor commercial and office space.  There is also a request to approve a proposed Plan of Subdivision to accommodate the proposal.

VIRTUAL COMMUNITY MEETING: May 24, 2022 @ 6:30 pm.  More info is found on Councillor Dasko's webpage about the development proposal and the meeting.

For details of the Metrolinx surprise sale of this 1.48 acre transit-oriented development site in 2021, see TOPCA article: Metrolinx sells SE Port Credit GO Station Parking Lot.

IMAGE: Applicant’s rendering of proposed twin towers.

TOPCA COMMENTARY: Edenshaw won out from over 20 bids on this prime piece of Port Credit real estate and they’ve already submitted their application to the city.

Earlier, in April 2022, TOPCA attended a brief, councillor-led meeting with the developer to learn more about what they envisioned.  The site is zoned for 22 storeys.

What’s being proposed are two 40- and 42-storey skyscrapers.  A total of 1,139 units with 474 parking spaces.  We were advised that this would be a residential/office/retail hub, however, there seems to be less emphasis on the office component.  Tower separation will include an at-grade walk-through area with a potential coffee shop, etc.

DETAILS: Can be found in the Planning Justification Report (110p PDF) submitted by the applicant, using address of 30 Queen St E.

Edenshaw asked for our thoughts.  We challenged the lack of affordable housing, the need for services that would be meaningful to the area (grocery store, daycare centre, etc.) and the extreme lack of parking – the city requires a 1:1 ratio of parking spaces to residential units.  And, of course, heights that are more appropriate to the city centre versus a smaller town like Port Credit.

Edenshaw is conducting a resident survey that we felt was a little lightweight.  So, we’re conducting one of our own...

TOPCA SURVEY: (re 88 Park Street East)

1)  What do you feel should be the maximum height for development on this site?

2)  Given its proximity to GO, bus and LRT transit, what do you feel is a reasonable ratio of parking to residential units?

3)  With the city’s economic strategy for Port Credit citing “jobs” as a key target, what percentage of these towers should be dedicated to purpose-built office space?  One floor, two floors?  More?  Less?

4)  Should developers be on the hook for providing affordable housing units in new builds?  NOTE: “affordable” is deemed 85% of the market rate for a unit.  What does that look like?  One floor, a percentage of units?

Please share your Survey Responses and any further Comments with us at:

ON FACEBOOK? You can write your comments under our Facebook posting.